Living with My Boyfriend at 23 in 2017
December 17, 2017
It’s really interesting to me how many people are amazed that Taylor and I live together.
I'll see one of my friends for the first time in a while and they’ll ask me “So, how is living with Taylor goinggggg?” expecting me to spill some juicy details about how crazy and terrible it is. And I don't think it's because they think he's crazy and terrible, but that they can't possibly imagine themselves in the same situation. And I say “Good!” in my most convincing tone because it really is, I just don’t know how to say it so people believe me.

A few weeks ago, we had an old high school friend of Taylor’s mention that he “doesn’t know anyone our age who lives with their significant other” and went on to ask me what the worst part was. At the time, all I could think of was the fact that he wakes up an hour earlier than I need to every morning – running the smoothie blender, plopping on the bed to put on his socks, kissing me goodbye…like...hello! I’m trying to ignore your existence over here…sheesh.
But now that I think about it, the real answer is that his hair gets everywhereeee. I’m a fairly clean person and like to annoy him about little things like crumbs & almond butter he leaves on the kitchen counter or sweaty gym clothes he hangs on THE!DINING!ROOM!CHAIRS -_- (the face I imagine I give him when I find these things was caught in action below).
But now that I think about it, the real answer is that his hair gets everywhereeee. I’m a fairly clean person and like to annoy him about little things like crumbs & almond butter he leaves on the kitchen counter or sweaty gym clothes he hangs on THE!DINING!ROOM!CHAIRS -_- (the face I imagine I give him when I find these things was caught in action below). really looks like he's in trouble in this one...
Nevertheless, I can’t think of much besides those small things.
I asked him last night what he thinks is the worst part about living together. He said that we each have different times when we want the apartment to be clean and then when we just don’t care and start leaving our stuff everywhere for a solid week. (Disclaimer: this next part might be gross, sorry) Besides that, the only specific thing he mentioned was how he hates how there’s always pee on the bottom of the toilet seat when he lifts it up. Haha, I would hate that too if I was him, but I can’t help it! He told me to try to pee more gently…lol. But when his friend asked him what he thinks about our situation, he said he "told him it's easy, I'm living with my best friend." ! So many heart-eye emojis for him when I heard those words. Good to know the toilet thing isn't a deal breaker :)
Despite the relatively mini quibbles we have, I told him I can’t complain because I honestly wouldn’t want to live with anyone else. There are definitely things we don’t agree on and times we’ve maybe spent a smidgggee too much one-on-one time. But as a little kid once said in a video interview when asked what love is: “loving someone is, like, a lot of eye contact”…so, I guess spending a lot of time together is part of the deal.
And some of the best moments of my year have happened during that one-on-one time with him. I love our fun, relaxing Fridays without the stress of making real plans with flakey people!! (Side note: basically everyone is flakey these days. See: Aziz Ansari’s stand-up Live at MSG. He explains it very well) Coming home from work, going to the gym, showering, chowing down on some harvest veggie curry and banana-caramel spring rolls (a must-try!) at PF Changs, and building a gingerbread house while watching Grace & Frankie with Taylor is actually an ideal Friday in my book.
I snapped some pictures of another highlight with him earlier this month - a fun trip we took to Maryland's Homestead Farms to cut down our own little Norway Spruce for our apartment!
Scrap branches I picked up to make the wreath we hung on our door - so easy to do with a wire hanger and some twisty-ties!

They have the SWEETEST pups at this farm. I couldn't get enough. Taylor had to pull me away and couldn't help but say "I told you so." He's been telling me we should get a golden forever, but I'm not in love with the idea of constantly cleaning up their hair - on top of Taylor' (he's going to hate me for saying that).

Other pros of living together that come to mind: He carries big things for us (ex. ^). We split a Costco membership and thoroughly enjoy using the heck outta that thing. I never feel lonely. He tried to be vegan with me for, like, AT LEAST a week and a half…which means this is true love people. Update: three months later, I mostly (curse you, cheese, for tasting so yummy) eat plant-based foods and he’s a veggie-leaning omnivore. Either way, our nutritional preferences never get in the way of us eating together almost every night, which I think is a super important part of our relationship. I could go on about the pros, but you get the point.
Some cute corners of our apartment right now - shout-out to both of our moms for providing the beautiful decorations!
Looking forward, not only are we going to be sharing a home, but also moving that home to a completely different city wherever he ends up going to medical school next year! Stay tuned for more updates about that exciting change! Until then, thanks for checking in :)