
Love at First Raft

July 17, 2018

I want to start by stating how incredibly lucky I feel to have traveled to so many amazing places this summer - Western Canada, Spain, Italy, France - with still a few to come! To say I'm overwhelmed by the number of share-worthy pictures and videos I have would be an understatement, so I'm going to try to fit the rest of our Canada stories into two posts. I also have a fun announcement to share at the end of this post so keep scrolling! Last, but CERTAINLY not least, I put together a video of our entire Canada trip that you can view here. So do that, then come back here. Or read this then go watch the video. Either way, love you all and thanks for stopping by!
On our first day in Canmore, we woke up bright and early in our little Airbnb to head to Bow River for white water rafting! The rain was coming down in buckets, but luckily that was the only bad weather we got all trip…and we were going to get soaked in the boat anyway, so it all worked out!
We chose to take the trip with a company called Chinook Rafting because it was closest to Canmore, got great reviews, and provides the cutest rafting outfits (as modeled above). 10/10 would recommend them to anyone staying in the area. The guides were super informative and entertaining.
After a short bus ride to the water, we got in our boat with a bachelor party from Calgary, so Taylor and I were referred to as the “D.C. Couple” throughout the trip.
Halfway through the trip down the river we made a pit stop to do some cliff jumping. The bank across from where I’m jumping is where they filmed the battle scene from The Revenant where Leonardo DiCaprio screams “Leave the furs! To the boat!”…and yes the water was uber cold and rapid-y like in the movie so our guides threw ropes at us after we jumped to pull us back to shore. Poor Leo didn’t get the same luxury in his movie as he was rushed toward a waterfall but he did get an Oscar so that’s what matters, right? (yes)
After we (semi) dried off and took this wonderful photograph with our bachelor party pals, we headed to Peyto Lake.
This was by far the most picturesque spot I’ve ever been and I think Taylor can say the same.
Just a short walk from the parking lot is this incredible lookout spot where we stayed to soak in the beauty for about an hour or so.
At one point, we heard a woman scream “AHHH! What is THAT?!” at the top of her lungs. I thought she had maybe stepped on a snake or found a dead animal but NO, turns out her bf was actually proposing and that was her reaction...lol ok? But still cute bc that backdrop! That's them by the edge of the lake in the picture above.
#lakesideyoga #yogilife #treepose #girlgetoutside
We took some time to explore downtown Banff that night and had dinner at this very yummy place called Indian Curry House. The drink I'm holding in the pic is their amazing dirty mango lassi (basically a mango smoothie with rum in it...everyone needs to try one of these gems). Then we saw Incredibles 2 bc why not?! And it was so silly and cute. Even though Banff was nice, we actually liked downtown Canmore much more because it's more intimate (less-touristy) and has the perfect riverside park to hammock-chill in. 
The next morning, we slept in and prepared to summit Ha Ling Peak. This was the view from the top.
Okay, so I was not expecting this hike to be as tiring and long as it was because all the reviews were like "Wow! Loved this hike so much! Did it with my whole family of young children today and we had a blast!" and "The views are incredible, you have to do this hike!". Yes, the views were incredible. No, I wouldn't recommend dragging your family of five up this 6km trail that ascends 2500ft. I was v winded the entire time (2 hrs) and formed the most epic heel blisters of my life :) HOWEVER, I did enjoy this hike because it was a gorgeous day and the views at the top (and throughout) were fo-sho worth it.
Alrighty! Now time for some fun announcements! As I've hinted at in some other posts, Taylor has been in the process of applying and interviewing at medical schools for the past year and a bit. After lots of consideration about what type of city we want to live in, how close we want to be to family, what type of academic environment is best, etc. etc. he's decided on the Medical University of South Carolina and will begin classes this August!!
Side note: ^ the top floor of this gorgeous place is going to be our new home!! I'll definitely give you guys a proper tour once we're settled.
We're both so excited to be moving to Charleston, but before I do, I'll be spending a month in Oahu, Hawaii working at Waihuena Farm :) This past winter I began to crave a big change in my career. I've been working for a worldwide company doing software development and consulting for two years now. However, through some involvement with small, local D.C. food businesses, I've realized my true passions and talents lie in working closely with the vibrant, optimistic personalities of local entrepreneurs - specifically food producers. I figured I needed to learn more about the production and distribution of food, so what better place to do that than at a small-scale organic farm in Hawaii?! From what I've heard and read, Hawaii is ahead of the curve in terms of sustainable growing and living, so I hope to soak up all of the world-saving/food-growing/community-making knowledge that I can while I'm there and then bring it back to Charleston with me. Wish me luck! Until next time...♡

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