This past July, I quit my software consulting job in D.C. to do something a tiiiiny bit different for a month before moving to Charleston, SC...and by a tiny bit different I mean I couldn't really have chosen anything more opposite to my life on the East coast.  I spent the month of August participating in a work-exchange program at a small, organic...

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I want to start by stating how incredibly lucky I feel to have traveled to so many amazing places this summer - Western Canada, Spain, Italy, France - with still a few to come! To say I'm overwhelmed by the number of share-worthy pictures and videos I have would be an understatement, so I'm going to try to fit the rest of our...

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I use Instagram A LOT. Probably too much for my own good. And it's easy to be drawn to pictures that are perfectly posed and vacations that look flawlessly fun. At the end of the day, though, I find I most appreciate the accounts where people are consistently honest about their lives. Where they show you the goofiest parts of themselves and their...

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It’s really interesting to me how many people are amazed that Taylor and I live together. I'll see one of my friends for the first time in a while and they’ll ask me “So, how is living with Taylor goinggggg?” expecting me to spill some juicy details about how crazy and terrible it is. And I don't think it's because they think he's...

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